Magnom Super Filtration displayed outstanding results when tested by Bosch Rexroth Germany. Magnom PumpMate products were awarded the A-B standard for best practice product for Pump Protection.

Magnom PumpMate Products Awarded A/B Standard by Bosch Rexroth

Magnom Super Filtration was tested on new OEM hydraulic power units. The Magnom 2 inch PumpMate was installed on the suction side of the power unit pump in the reservoir. Magnum filers guarantee the reservoir is completely filtered and free of ferrous contaminants.

The external oil analysis service provider reviewed the Magnom 2 inch PumpMate and found that the contaminant in the hydraulic fluid was nearly nonexistent after the testing was completed. It removed ferrous and non-ferrous contamination.

The Magnom PumpMate was the only filter fitted to the hydraulic power unit, which means this one pass to 4 micron filter perfectly cleaned the hydraulic fluid. Magnom Super Filtration is the best-in-class filter in industrial, off-highway, and electric vehicle systems.

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